PowerShell – SQL Server 2014 SMO TruncateData() Workaround

As I was still puzzle why the SMO *.TruncateData() was missing in SQL Server 2014, I needed to find a quick workaround to continue with my data migration.

Of course, here comes T-SQL scripting to the rescue:

[sourcecode language=”sql”]

Truncate Table databasename.schema.tablename


Basically, subtitute the SMO .TruncateData() with few lines of T-SQL statement, and have PowerShell run the code against SQL Server. The script is shown below:

[sourcecode language=”powershell”]
## —————————————– ##
## – Using SMO steps to work with tables:
$SQLServerInstanceName = ‘TSQLDSP01’; $global:SQLServerDatabasename = ‘devMaxText’;
$global:DbSchema = ‘dbo

[system.reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(“Microsoft.SQLServer.Smo”) | Out-Null;
$SQLSrvObj = new-object(‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server’) $SQLServerInstanceName;
$tables = $SQLSrvObj.Databases[$global:SQLServerDatabaseName].tables;

$global:cnt = 1;
foreach ($t in $tables.name)
$tsqry = @”
Truncate Table $($global:SQLServerDatabasename).$($global:DbSchema).$($t)
Write-Verbose “[$($global:cnt.ToString(“0000″))]Truncate Table dgSAP_Old.dbo.$($t) Process” -Verbose;

This *script will assist in the third-party application to load date back to the tables for our migration.

*Note: Just in case, I commented out the line having the .ExecuteNonQuery() method.