Quick Rundown – Microsoft Azure SQL Database Server and PowerShell

Azure SQL Database 
1. Web and Business editions are no longer available. Now there’s Basic, Standard, and Enterprise editions. (New)
2. There is a limit of 6 SQL Database Servers and up to 150 databases per subscription.
3. Create database from 1 GB up to 500GB of storage.
4. Database Throughput Unit(DTU) Service performance levels available: (New)

  • DTU Service Level:
    1  – Basic
    5 – S1
    25 – S2
    100 – P1
    200 – P2
    800 – P3


For more information about Azure SQL Database Throughout Units Service, check out Scott Kline and Tobias Ternstrom on this link: http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Windows-Azure-Storage-SQL-Database-Tutorials/Scott-Klein-Video-02

Quick tips when testing Azure SQL Database Server:
1. There’s no need to specify a storageaccount.
2. Start with “Basic” or “Standard” Service level.
3. Start with  1GB in size for testing.
4. Current Azure Portal version will create random database server names.

Observations on the “Preview” Azure Portal on Azure SQL Datbases:
1. It show the ability to group databases.
2. You can provide a SQL Database Server name (not random).

Upcoming Azure Portal (Preview)

Assign a Group and Name your Database Server
Assign a Group and Name your Database Server

Windows Management Framework 5.0 May 2014

On PowerShell  v5.0 Preview just released on May 14th.  This version has no problem with the Azure PowerShell cmdlets installation.

Blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powershell/archive/2014/05/14/windows-management-framework-5-0-preview-may-2014-is-now-available.aspx

Download at: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42936

Azure PowerShell cmdlets updated

Azure PowerShell cmdlet was updated to version 0.8.2 on 05/12/2014 with 390 commands.AzurePosh_082_05152014