Building PowerShell Custom Objects Quick Tips

Let’s get right to the point. Here are a total of 4 simple tips to help you build custom PowerShell objects in both Version 2.0 and 3.0:

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## Tip 1 – You don’t need to use single quotes the labels:

$value01 = ‘Max’; $value02 = ‘Theresa’;
$hashobj = @{ `
label1 = $value01; `
label2 = $value02; `


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## Tip 2 – In PowerShell version 2.0, you can use the New-Object to convert the
## – Hash Object to a PSobject:

$NewPSObj = New-Object PSObject -Property $hashobj;



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## Tip 3 – Better yet, you can include the Hash object code in the property
## parameter as a Scriptblock:

$NewPSObj2 = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ `
label1 = $value01; `
label2 = $value02; `




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## Tip 4 – In PowerShell version 3.0, it gets better because you just add the
## accelator type [PSCustomObject] to the hash object and this will
## convert to a PSobject:

$value01 = ‘Max’; $value02 = ‘Theresa’;
$hashobj2 = [pscustomobject] @{ `
label1 = $value01; `
label2 = $value02; `



Also, in this code you’ll see the use of the space follow by a tick ” `” which is a “line continuation”, and the semi-colon “;” which is commonly use as a line terminator. Both are optional but useful.